Invest in Yourself cuz it’s worthy

đŸ·Doing your best is synonymous with living out each and every moment to its fullest potential. And this potential exists in every situation you encounter in your life. All that is required of you is not to fight whatever life throws your way. đŸ·Doing your best is not about meeting expectations or achievements. It isn’tContinue reading “Invest in Yourself cuz it’s worthy”

TĂ« kujdesesh pĂ«r veten Ă«shtĂ« maturi.

Mund tĂ« duket egoiste por tĂ« kujdesesh pĂ«r veten do tĂ« thotĂ« tĂ« dish tĂ« kujdesesh edhe pĂ«r tĂ« tjerĂ«t mĂ« pas. BĂ«rja e njĂ« hapi tĂ« gabuar nĂ« anĂ«n e gabuar mund tĂ« nĂ«nkuptojĂ« vetĂ«shkatĂ«rrim absolut. AtĂ«herĂ«, si e gjeni kĂ«tĂ« ekuilibĂ«r? A do tĂ« thotĂ« kjo marrja e vendimeve irracionale nĂ« punĂ« kuContinue reading “TĂ« kujdesesh pĂ«r veten Ă«shtĂ« maturi.”

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